I was chatting with a colleague about baked goods today. Mmm. Baked goods. She thinks it's odd that I don't like pumpkin pie. It's true - I think it's gross. But to each their own, non? So we went down a list of baked goods that we love and love more. And then we got to scones.
I've declared myself a scone purist. None of this bullshit drowned in icing sugar, dried up, too big, mega flavoured crap stores dare call a scone and charge you $3.95. Scones are made of white flour, butter and milk - therefore based on ethical business practices alone, whatever you pay is too much. It should never cost the price of a jug of milk or a pound of butter.
Second, it should not be cookie cutter cut into the size of a door stop. Scones should be 2-bite sized, delicate and fluffy enough that you can break it in half without the use of utensils.
And last but never least, it should NOT be bludgeoned to death with artery clogging, palate raping icing sugar!!!! Blagh. Sound familiar? Yeah you out there, you probably love it come October when that dreaded Starbux comes out with their beloved pumpkin spiced icing door stop scone!! Sacrilege!!
Join the scone revolution. Eat plain ones with butter or if you really want to be fancy - indulge in some devon cream and raspberry jam. You'll be a much better person for it.
*steps off baked goods soap box*