Pea and I went out for dinner to celebrate her belated birthday. As sometimes we like to think we are so about town and fancy - er, we don't really get out that much. Well, maybe not so much anymore. Nonetheless, we both intuitively decided that this time, we should get a little dressed up for a change. And let me tell you, when we get dressed up, we get noticed.
A man in the street offered us a handful of peanuts. Yeah that's right, I told you we get noticed, didn't I? And not only noticed, but we get offered snacks! Obviously we did not stop or even hesitate. We just continued along our way. I did thank him for the offer. And he responded by asking us again, like he was surprised we declined the offer in the first place. I mean sure, to him it was such a great offer that no one should pass up. To us, well first of all, Pea is allergic, and second, he didn't even offer them out of the package, but out of his bare hand. That's just unsanitary.
Next year, we might just order take-out instead.