Tuesday, September 18, 2012

IKEA | The Relationship Litmus Test

J’adore vous but I don’t care what you think.  I like IKEA.  The design aesthetic is there and the prices make me happy.  What I do find unhappy about IKEA sometimes is the shopping experience.  Not so much for myself as I’ve been there enough times to know how to navigate it and have the self service thing pretty much figured out.

I started to notice others having a hard time with the whole experience.  Particularly couples.  And since I’m a professional anthropologist, I theorize that IKEA is a relationship litmus test. (Look for the full-length version, to be published in the School of Useless Opinions Journal.)

My theory is that if you can survive a buying trip there, you can pretty much survive any major event in your coupled life:
·        You will discover who is the true Organizer.  This person is good at visualizing the stuff in your house and knowing what to buy in the first place.
·        You will discover if you are both Team Players.  If together you can navigate shifting 200lbs of MDF in a 9 foot long box onto a 3 foot long rolling cart without losing a toe or a husband, you’re golden.
·        You will discover who is the true Planner.  This person may differ from the Organizer or may be the same person.  Either way, they will be the one who successfully takes charge of researching the catalogue, going online, measuring first, making a list, recording what bin and aisle to pick up from when you’re at the store, finding the bin and aisle when you finally go buy everything, etc.
·        You will discover who is the Nurturer.  The first one to suggest that it’s time for a $1 hot dog and ice cream will take care of you forever.

The second part of my thesis will focus on what happens after you get home and have to put the shit together!  In the meantime, happy shopping.

