Happy Belated Birthday – to moi!! In real life, I actually share my birthday with a few friends. In non-real life, I share my birthday with good old creepy Thomas Cruise Mapother IV aka Tom Cruise and now I’ve discovered Julian Assange – Wikileaks founder. How scandalous!
Now I don’t know how they feel about their birthday being on July 3rd. Okay maybe Mr. Assagne doesn’t care because he didn’t grow up in North America and Mr. Cruise is rich enough to buy a birthday every day for himself if he really wanted to.
I have my opinions (but of course!!). Stuck between Canada’s birthday (July 01) and American Independence (July 04), I can’t say it’s always been a party about me!
As a child, the parties were almost non-existent since school was out. All I ever wanted was a party at McDonald’s in the train caboose parked outside the restaurant. Sounds stupid now, but time’s were simpler then *sigh*
As an adult, I looked forward to making up for those lost pinata smackin’, donkey tail pinnin’, cake eatin’ extravaganzas. “Oh sorry Mimi, we are going away for the long weekend. Happy Birthday anyway!” Boo on you people and your long weekend holidays. It’s my fuckin' birthday damnit, my present better be in the mail! (ooh did I say that out loud??)
(Not so) many years ago, Poppy started to refer to her birthdays as version upgrades of herself. Version 2.0 turned to 2.1 and legal drinking in the US, V2.8 to V2.9 put us another year closer to the major upgrade to 3.0.
So yesterday was just another scheduled upgrade (and I’m still not gonna tell you what version I am at!). And over the years, the urge to smack a pinata and do jello shots has waned. I now look forward to a perfectly chosen and eloquently written birthday card in the post from my dear Poppy, my texts and calls from Pea and other friends. And now a fancy night out with Murray…it’s all good. Joyeux Anniversaire à moi! Your upgrade has been successful.
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