Saturday, June 5, 2010

Food porn: The Beginning

This is how it all started - lunchtime, Times Square NYC, 2005. Mon amie/ma cousine, Poppy and I were immersed with all that The City had to offer and forgot to eat. So we ended up in a strange "Japanese" fast food joint. Hey, desperate times, call for desperate measures. Teriyaki chicken bowls with "California" rice - Tokyo this was not. But Poppy insisted we photograph this meal, this moment.

I thought her request was strange, but the look on her face suggested I wasn't allowed to eat until I obliged (and I was starving, even for this bowl of runny rice) so I didn't object.

During the trip it dawned on me - whenever I travel, I'm busy taking pictures of stupid buildings and posing in front of monuments. What about the food?? Why not remember a delicious meal by honouring it with a photo as well? I'm sure the chef would appreciate it. He or she has been perfecting their craft for years with no photographic adoration. So began my love of food photos.

Over the years, I've recruited whomever I travel with to indulge me and my food porn shoots. They have often become the set director, artistic designer, and know to get their arm, hand, or boobs out of the shot. Their patience is profound, because usually on vacay, you're ravenous by the time you figure out where and what you want to eat, but we still take that first moment to set up the shot. I have good friends and family.

And now, I have a vast collection of food porn that I would like to share with everyone (or the 3 people who are reading this and who have probably traveled with me, so really, you've already seen these pics...)

Oh just to add, by the end of that NYC trip, we discovered better places to eat and enjoyed a trés fantastique brunch in Brooklyn @ Jolie Restaurant:

The ambiance was sweet and endearing, and it didn't feel like you were in New York anymore. But God bless America - the Eggs Jolie comes with fries. Or frites as they say...

**Disclaimer: I have not and do not receive any endorsements from any of the establishments mentioned in my posts. They just happen to be places that I've been and if you like them, maybe you'll want to go one day too. But no one better sue me over it!*