My nearest and dearest amie (et ma cousine) Poppy and I constantly joke about ourselves never getting married, enjoying our spinsterdom in a house on the hill with 40 cats and a pool boy. Our cats would be named after our ex-boyfriends – Insensitive, Loser, Broke-Ass, Selfish, Tiny... Pea was going to be our mortgage helper and have her own basement suite. We would curse the world from our doorstep, wearing cute twin sets and brooches, pumping our fists in the air.
All bets are off now - Poppy recently got engaged. I’m more than thrilled for her. Truly I am. (Her fiancĂ© is called Murray too!)
Poppy and I seem to live on either ends of the universe sometimes, so we email each other almost everyday. People might think that’s strange – why don’t you just call her? Why don’t you Skype? No, we like it old skool – we like to type! I think we know each other well enough that our written word won’t be misinterpreted. So that’s how she told me about her engagement. WTF? - I can hear y’all gasping. Settle down. I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. I did make a special request in my email reply - that just this once, she has to tell me in person, all the romantic details, as I hold her hand, beaming over her gorgeous diamond ring.
Since we do often live in opposite worlds, it takes an event or well planned day for us to see one another in person. For weeks we had been emailing about her homemade gyoza. Who makes anything from scratch anymore?? Apparently “engaged ladies” do. She warns they aren’t regulation size. I’ve dubbed them Gyozillas because she uses double the amount of filling and combines two wrappers together. (Can you tell which one is the store-bought, regulation size one?) Can we say, YUM?
Poppy gave me permission to share her recipe but I’ve discovered that recipe writing is not easy! Maybe I’ll make a video of it one day…We did succeed in making almost 75 Gyozillas and in between batches, she told me all the romantic details of how her Murray proposed. I didn’t hold her hand though because we had been touching gyoza-raw-meat filling and somehow it didn’t seem very sanitary for either of us. I digress…*sniff* It couldn’t have been more perfect for the two of them, and to her joy, it did not involve a Jumbotron.
Congratulations Poppy and Murray.