The purchase has finally made me an adult, I think. And shit, things are expensive! Luckily, I had already hoarded enough major pieces of furniture and knick-knacks that I'm not living in an empty box with a plastic lawn chair and upside down box in the living room. But there are some things that I now have to find and buy new. As I always love a new project, I’d like to share with you a few of my (new) favourite things:
This first fave thing stems from one of my least favourite things: Ironing. I’m still on the fence about which chore I dislike more – ironing or washing dishes. Thankfully, my place has a dishwasher so it makes the choice less painful now. However, there is no automatic machine thingy that you just throw your clothes in and they come out pressed. (Well, I suppose there is the drycleaners, but I’m house-poor now, so no services like that for me!) The alternative – a kick-ass new iron!!

It’s cordless. That’s all I have to say about it (well that, and it has its own cover!) I highly recommend you invest in one. This model was not cheap but so far, well worth the money. I even found myself trying to find things to iron. Yes, it’s that good. Tough call now – which chore do I like more? – ironing or unloading the dishwasher.
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