This trip marked my 9th trip to NYC since my first visit in 1999. It still ceases to amaze me. The city has changed so much over the years, yet always excites me in new ways. Perhaps if I didn’t wish I was born in France, I would wish to grow up a New Yorker. Even better - a French immigrant to New York City!! How divine! I digress.
So as promised my dear loyal friends – the return of Food Porn, this time with a New York attitude!
Poppy and I touched down after a red-eye flight on our beloved Cathay Pacific. Thank you Cathay your good service and good food. Who still serves salmon on a flight? Cathay does! And surprisingly tasty for airline food.

The flight lands at a dreadfully early hour so what better to do than head straight to the outlet mall! My other dear cousin, Suzette graciously puts us up every time. You think I can actually afford such glamorous trips for the past 11 years? Mais non! It’s free accommodations on futons and sofas, mes amies!! After a few hours of power-shopping, true outleters must stop and refuel – what better with, a Philly Cheesesteak sandwich topped with mac n cheese! (When in Rome, my friends. We are in Long Island after all. Love you Long Island!! Kiss kiss!)

I noticed something about Poppy this trip – she eats much much healthier than I do!! You’ll see the contrast of our food options as this progresses. Exhibit A: my outlet refuel is a heart attack topped with cheesy heart attack, washed down with a bottle of diabetes. Hers is a turkey wrap, hold the dressing, and a refreshing hot green tea, s'il vous plaît!

I do recall it was difficult to find healthy food, and sadly, the good stuff was much pricier than “regular” food. So alas, sometimes Poppy was left to order artery clogging food like moi. Oh well, all the walking and sweating in the summer heat probably worked some of those calories off for both of us!! C’mon, lift those H&M shopping bags, one more, two more!
Our guilty indulgences – hey we’re on vacation!
Bagels with cream cheese – I’ll say it again, bagels in NY are like none other in the world. Simply delish! (Although I will agree with Poppy on the health factor – we could have done with a lot less than the pound of cream cheese smeared on both our orders. It was 9am for goodness sake!)

Whoopie pies! We had heard of these chocolatey creatures but have not been able to find the elusive beast except in its native environment of the East Coast of the United States.

Not quite a French macaron, but I can see its appeal. Very chocolatey and so good you don’t care how bad it is for you.
Street food! The traditional NYC food cart – shawarmas. Yum. Now this can probably be found anywhere, however, nothing beats leaving the MoMa to stop for a $5 bite on “free admission” night, then return to the museum fully re-fuelled with special entrance pass in hand and beating the freebie line up!

And how could we stay in New York and not have a slice of pizza? And what better place to indulge? At MY pizza joint! Okay it’s obviously not mine, but wouldn’t that be fantastic? – if I were born in NYC, my family would open a pizza place back in the day, Daddy would name it after me, and eventually I would take over the business and just live off the earnings since Dad was always good with real estate investment and knew to buy in the Upper West side when it was still rather dumpy…see, up there in the window with the lamp? That’s my office where I’m writing to you now! I digress. Instead of any of that really happening, we just enjoyed a slice. Guess which one is mine.

Poppy and I did finally agree on one food order – Met Museum Café – chicken sandwich. Surprisingly good for museum cafeteria food and a perfect break from our day long stroll in one of my favourite museums in the world.

And our last opposite food choice to end another great trip to my beloved city that never sleeps. Guess which one is mine? Hint: Remember I'm the glutton for punishment!

So there you have it my friends, all the best food we had in New York in 2010.
As always merci to my dear Poppy for being a wonderful travel companion and extra special thanks for being the sole photographer this time as my camera died upon landing.
Oh and just to prove we did do other things – Poppy and I wanted to show our Murrays that we were in touch with not only clothes but nature! Our footsies in the Hudson River in Brooklyn. Luckily we returned home with all toes intact!

And this is what I bought!

Please forgive the fuzzy photo, this was taken on my phone when I returned home. Yes, I brought bagels home in my suitcase, you-gottta-problem-wit-dat?!
That’s all she wrote mes amies, thanks for waiting. The adventures continue, I promise!
double xx and oo
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