My two week introductory pass to hot yoga expires this week. I've gone a total of - ONE time. Probably the most expensive yoga class I'll ever attend. And it will go down in my exercise history as the worst time ever.
My darling friend Pea and I planned another session just so I wouldn't spend $30 on one class. (Good friends don't make their friends waste their money.) We planned it for last night. I was so stressed at the thought of going that I texted her to ask if it was bad of me to skip it entirely and forget trying to make my intro pass cost-effective. She said she'd be happy to stay home and watch Glee. I agreed. It was Lady Gaga night! It was decided. Glee vs. hot yoga. Glee won.
My bf came over instead and he had leftovers I had made for dinner. I made a fab dish I learned from a Filipino lady I work with. Kalabasa at Sitaw sa Gata = long beans and squash in divine and lovely coconut milk. I added the divine and lovely. You can add whatever meat you like, if you like. I added mushrooms and prawns. Drench over rice. Yum. Google the recipe yourself because this one I'm not going to share (it's super easy anyway and not actually a secret).
He sort-of complained that we never watch "television programs" together. I laughed and said that I liked it when he talks like an old man. So we watched Glee and then he wanted to watch his newly-discovered fav show: Flight of the Conchords. Fucking hilarious. I ♥ Bret. I like his floppy hair. My bf is jealous because he does not have floppy hair. He's thinking of growing it. I think he's like Murray. So I'll refer to him as Murray from now on.
Lessons learned today - Coconut milk makes me happy, watching television programs with your Murray is quite nice, I'm pretty lazy when it comes to yoga.